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Tema: Scorpions

  1. #1
    sokac91's Avatar
    Jan 2014
    Thanked: 5618


    Scorpions -Greatest Hits 320kbp/s

    Scorpions -Greatest Hits

    Hits-Disk 1/01. Greatest Hits CD1-Scorpions Humanity.mp3
    Hits-Disk 1/02. Greatest Hits CD1-Scorpions Wind of Change.mp3
    Hits-Disk 1/03. Greatest Hits CD1-Scorpions Send Me an Angel.mp3
    Hits-Disk 1/04. Greatest Hits CD1-Scorpions You and I.mp3
    Hits-Disk 1/05. Greatest Hits CD1-Scorpions Holiday.mp3
    Hits-Disk 1/06. Greatest Hits CD1-Scorpions Still Loving You.mp3
    Hits-Disk 1/07. Greatest Hits CD1-Scorpions The Future Never Dies.mp3
    Hits-Disk 1/08. Greatest Hits CD1-Scorpions Moment of Glory.mp3
    Hits-Disk 1/09. Greatest Hits CD1-Scorpions Living for Tomorrow.mp3
    Hits-Disk 1/10. Greatest Hits CD1-Scorpions Does Anyone Know.mp3
    Hits-Disk 1/11. Greatest Hits CD1-Scorpions When You Came into My Life.mp3
    Hits-Disk 1/12. Greatest Hits CD1-Scorpions Believe in Love.mp3
    Hits-Disk 1/13. Greatest Hits CD1-Scorpions A Moment in a Million Years.mp3
    Hits-Disk 1/14.Greatest Hits CD1-Scorpions When Love Kills Love.mp3
    Hits-Disk 1/15. Greatest Hits CD1-Scorpions Under the Same Sun.mp3

    **Zaključano: Kliknite na dugme HVALA koje se nalazi na dnu posta u levom cosku da otključate**

    Hits-Disk 2/01. Greatest Hits CD2-Scorpions Hour 1 07.mp3
    Hits-Disk 2/02. Greatest Hits CD2-Scorpions The Game of Life 07.mp3
    Hits-Disk 2/03. Greatest Hits CD2-Scorpions Don't Believe Her.mp3
    Hits-Disk 2/04. Greatest Hits CD2-Scorpions No One Like You.mp3
    Hits-Disk 2/05. Greatest Hits CD2-Scorpions Rock You Like a Hurricane.mp3
    . Hits-Disk 2/06. Greatest Hits CD2-Scorpions Blackout.mp3
    Hits-Disk 2/07. Greatest Hits CD2-Scorpions Bad Boys Running Wild.mp3
    Hits-Disk 2/08. Star Mark Greatest Hits CD2-Scorpions Can't Live Without You.mp3
    Hits-Disk 2/09. Greatest Hits CD2-Scorpions The Zoo.mp3
    Hits-Disk 2/10.Greatest Hits CD2-Scorpions He's a Woman - She's a Man.mp3
    Hits-Disk 2/11. Greatest Hits CD2-Scorpions Pictured Life.mp3
    Hits-Disk 2/12. Greatest Hits CD2-Scorpions In Trance.mp3
    Hits-Disk 2/13.Greatest Hits CD2-Scorpions Make It Real.mp3
    Hits-Disk 2/14 CD2-Scorpions Rhythm of Love.mp3
    Hits-Disk 2/15. Greatest Hits CD2-Scorpions Can't Explain.mp3
    Hits-Disk 2/16. Star Mark Greatest Hits CD2-Scorpions Remember the Good Times [Rerro Garage Mix].mp3
    Hits-Disk 2/17. Greatest Hits CD2-Scorpions Wild Child.mp3
    Hits-Disk 2/18. Greatest Hits CD2-Scorpions Alien Nation.mp3
    Hits-Disk 2/19. Greatest Hits CD2-Scorpions We Will Rise Again 07.mp3

    **Zaključano: Kliknite na dugme HVALA koje se nalazi na dnu posta u levom cosku da otključate**
    Last edited by sokac91; 09.11.2016 at 09:46.

  2. Ukupan broj zahvalnica za ovaj post:4
    Članovi koji su se zahvalili sokac91 za ovaj post:

    darkojeki (01.06.2019), Dj.Vesna (09.11.2016), freki (26.08.2016), patikomposisi (14.02.2017)

  3. #2
    sokac91's Avatar
    Jan 2014
    Thanked: 5618
    Scorpions - Best Songs 320kbp/s

    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc I

    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc I/01. Alien Nation.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc I/02. Bad Boys Running Wild.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc I/03. Blackout.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc I/04. Loving You Sunday Morning.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc I/05. Make It Real.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc I/06. Pictured Life.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc I/07. Raised On Rock.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc I/08. Tease Me Please Me.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc I/09. Can't Live Without You.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc I/10. Don't Believe Her.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc I/11. In Trance.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc I/12. Rhythm Of Love.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc I/13. Rock You Like A Hurricane.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc I/14. The Game Of Life.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc I/15. Always Somewhere.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc I/16. No One Like You.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc I/17. Coast To Coast.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc I/18. Coming Home.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc I/19. The Good Die Young.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc I/20. Under The Same Sun.mp3

    **Zaključano: Kliknite na dugme HVALA koje se nalazi na dnu posta u levom cosku da otključate**

    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc II

    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc II/01. Wind Of Change.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc II/02. Big City Nights.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc II/03. Dynamite.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc II/04. Is There Anybody There.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc II/05. Maybe I Maybe You.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc II/06. Dust In The Wind.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc II/07. Lorelei.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc II/08. Hit Between The Eyes.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc II/09. Holiday.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc II/10. The Zoo.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc II/11. Believe In Love.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc II/12. Still Loving You.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc II/13. When The Smoke Going Down.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc II/14. You And I.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc II/15. Lonely Nights.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc II/16. Send Me An Angel.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc II/17. Humanity.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc II/18. The Best Is Yet To Come.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc II/19. Daddy's Girl.mp3
    Scorpions - Best Songs-Disc II/20. White Dove.mp3

    **Zaključano: Kliknite na dugme HVALA koje se nalazi na dnu posta u levom cosku da otključate**
    Last edited by sokac91; 09.11.2016 at 09:47.

  4. Ukupan broj zahvalnica za ovaj post:3
    Članovi koji su se zahvalili sokac91 za ovaj post:

    darkojeki (01.06.2019), Dj.Vesna (09.11.2016), freki (26.08.2016)

  5. #3
    sokac91's Avatar
    Jan 2014
    Thanked: 5618
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD1) 320kbp/s

    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD1)

    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD1)/01-still_loving_you.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD1)/02-wind_of_change.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD1)/03-send_me_an_angel.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD1)/04-destini.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD1)/05-when_the_smoke_is_going_down.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD1)/06-obsession.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD1)/07-does_any_more_know.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD1)/08-lady_statlight.mp3
    corpions-Golden Ballads (CD1)/09-woman.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD1)/10_light_years_away.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD1)/10-living_for_tomorrow_live.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD1)/11-crossfire_instrumental.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD1)/12-living_and_dying.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD1)/13-are_you_the_one.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD1)/14-in_your_park.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD1)/15-fly_people_fly.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD1)/16-you_and_i.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD1)/17-moment_of_glory.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD1)/18-always_somewhere.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD1)/19-born_to_touch_your_feelin.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD1)/20-here_in_my_heart.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD1)/21-holyday.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD1)/22-lonely_nights.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD1)/23-moment_of_glory.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD1)/24-still_loving_you.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD1)/25-wind_of_change.mp3

    **Zaključano: Kliknite na dugme HVALA koje se nalazi na dnu posta u levom cosku da otključate**

  6. Ukupan broj zahvalnica za ovaj post:2
    Članovi koji su se zahvalili sokac91 za ovaj post:

    Dj.Vesna (09.11.2016), freki (26.08.2016)

  7. #4
    sokac91's Avatar
    Jan 2014
    Thanked: 5618
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD2) 320kbp/s

    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD2)

    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD2)/01-holiday.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD2)/02-when_you_came_into_my_life.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD2)/03-always_somewhere.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD2)/04-daddys_girl.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD2)/05-send_me_an_angel_classic_ver.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD2)/06-white_dove.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD2)/07-wind_of_change_russian_versi.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD2)/08-born_to_touch_your_feelings.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD2)/09-lifes_like_a_river.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD2)/10-yellow_raven.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD2)/11-lonely_nights.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD2)/12-here_in_my_heart.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD2)/13-under_the_same_sun.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD2)/14-in_trance.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD2)/15-believe_in_love.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD2)/16-still_loving_you_classic_ver.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD2)/17-when_you_came_into_my_lif.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD2)/18-white_dove.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD2)/19-you_and_i.mp3
    Scorpions-Golden Ballads (CD2)/20-when_the_smoke_is_going_d.mp3

    **Zaključano: Kliknite na dugme HVALA koje se nalazi na dnu posta u levom cosku da otključate**

  8. Ukupan broj zahvalnica za ovaj post:2
    Članovi koji su se zahvalili sokac91 za ovaj post:

    Dj.Vesna (09.11.2016), freki (26.08.2016)

  9. #5
    sokac91's Avatar
    Jan 2014
    Thanked: 5618
    Scorpions-Still Loving You 320kbp/s

    Scorpions-Still Loving You

    Scorpions-Still Loving You/always_somewhere.mp3
    Scorpions-Still Loving You/believe_in_love.mp3
    Scorpions-Still Loving You/born_to_touch_your_feelings.mp3
    Scorpions-Still Loving You/holiday.mp3
    Scorpions-Still Loving You/is_there_anybody_there.mp3
    Scorpions-Still Loving You/lady_starlight.mp3
    Scorpions-Still Loving You/living_for_tomorrow_live_previously_unreleased.mp3
    Scorpions-Still Loving You/Scorpions-Still Loving You.jpg
    Scorpions-Still Loving You/still_loving_you.mp3
    Scorpions-Still Loving You/walking_on_the_edge.mp3
    Scorpions-Still Loving You/when_the_smoke_is_going_down.mp3
    Scorpions-Still Loving You/wind_of_change.mp3

    **Zaključano: Kliknite na dugme HVALA koje se nalazi na dnu posta u levom cosku da otključate**

  10. Članovi koji su se zahvalili sokac91 za ovaj post:

    Dj.Vesna (09.11.2016)

  11. #6
    sokac91's Avatar
    Jan 2014
    Thanked: 5618
    Scorpions-Moment Of Glory 320kbp/s

    Scorpions-Moment Of Glory

    Scorpions-Moment Of Glory/01-hurricane_2000.mp3
    Scorpions-Moment Of Glory/02-moment_of_glory.mp3
    Scorpions-Moment Of Glory/03-send_me_an_angel.mp3
    Scorpions-Moment Of Glory/04-wind_of_change.mp3
    Scorpions-Moment Of Glory/05-crossfire_instrumental.mp3
    Scorpions-Moment Of Glory/06-deadly_sting_suite_instrumental.mp3
    Scorpions-Moment Of Glory/07-here_in_my_heart.mp3
    Scorpions-Moment Of Glory/08-still_loving_you.mp3
    Scorpions-Moment Of Glory/09-big_city_nights.mp3
    Scorpions-Moment Of Glory/10-lady_starlight.mp3

    **Zaključano: Kliknite na dugme HVALA koje se nalazi na dnu posta u levom cosku da otključate**

  12. Članovi koji su se zahvalili sokac91 za ovaj post:

    Dj.Vesna (09.11.2016)

  13. #7
    sokac91's Avatar
    Jan 2014
    Thanked: 5618
    Scorpions-Hell Cat (Best Rock Hits) 320kbp/s

    Scorpions-Hell Cat (Best Rock Hits)

    Scorpions-Hell Cat (Best Rock Hits)/01-hell_cat.mp3
    Scorpions-Hell Cat (Best Rock Hits)/02-the_sails_of_charon.mp3
    Scorpions-Hell Cat (Best Rock Hits)/03-cant_live_without_you.mp3
    Scorpions-Hell Cat (Best Rock Hits)/04-always_somewhere.mp3
    Scorpions-Hell Cat (Best Rock Hits)/05-suspender_love.mp3
    Scorpions-Hell Cat (Best Rock Hits)/06-no_one_like_you.mp3
    Scorpions-Hell Cat (Best Rock Hits)/07-catch_your_train.mp3
    Scorpions-Hell Cat (Best Rock Hits)/08-cant_get_enough.mp3
    Scorpions-Hell Cat (Best Rock Hits)/09-when_the_smoke_is_going_down.mp3
    Scorpions-Hell Cat (Best Rock Hits)/10-sun_in_my_hand.mp3
    Scorpions-Hell Cat (Best Rock Hits)/11-blackout.mp3
    Scorpions-Hell Cat (Best Rock Hits)/12-loving_you_sunday_morning.mp3
    Scorpions-Hell Cat (Best Rock Hits)/13-im_goin_mad.mp3
    Scorpions-Hell Cat (Best Rock Hits)/14-the_zoo.mp3
    Scorpions-Hell Cat (Best Rock Hits)/15-now.mp3
    Scorpions-Hell Cat (Best Rock Hits)/16-this_is_my_song.mp3
    Scorpions-Hell Cat (Best Rock Hits)/17-dont_make_no_promises_your_body_cant_keep.mp3
    Scorpions-Hell Cat (Best Rock Hits)/18-china_white.mp3
    Scorpions-Hell Cat (Best Rock Hits)/19-holiday.mp3
    Scorpions-Hell Cat (Best Rock Hits)/20-nightmare_avenues.mp3
    Scorpions-Hell Cat (Best Rock Hits)/21-the_same_thrill.mp3

    **Zaključano: Kliknite na dugme HVALA koje se nalazi na dnu posta u levom cosku da otključate**

  14. Članovi koji su se zahvalili sokac91 za ovaj post:

    Dj.Vesna (09.11.2016)

  15. #8
    sokac91's Avatar
    Jan 2014
    Thanked: 5618
    Scorpions-Romantic Ballads 320kbp/s

    Scorpions-Romantic Ballads

    Scorpions-Romantic Ballads/ave_maria_no_morro.mp3
    Scorpions-Romantic Ballads/belive_in_love.mp3
    Scorpions-Romantic Ballads/does_anyone_know.mp3
    Scorpions-Romantic Ballads/holiday.mp3
    Scorpions-Romantic Ballads/in_trance.mp3
    Scorpions-Romantic Ballads/is_there_anybody_there.mp3
    Scorpions-Romantic Ballads/lifes_like_a_river.mp3
    Scorpions-Romantic Ballads/living_for_tommorow.mp3
    Scorpions-Romantic Ballads/lonely_night.mp3
    Scorpions-Romantic Ballads/strill_lowing_you.mp3
    Scorpions-Romantic Ballads/when_the_smoke_is_going_down.mp3
    Scorpions-Romantic Ballads/when_you_came_into_my_life.mp3
    Scorpions-Romantic Ballads/wind_of_change.mp3
    Scorpions-Romantic Ballads/woman.mp3

    **Zaključano: Kliknite na dugme HVALA koje se nalazi na dnu posta u levom cosku da otključate**

  16. Članovi koji su se zahvalili sokac91 za ovaj post:

    Dj.Vesna (10.11.2016)

  17. #9
    sokac91's Avatar
    Jan 2014
    Thanked: 5618
    Scorpions-Humanity Hour 320kbp/s

    Scorpions-Humanity Hour

    Scorpions-Humanity Hour-/01-hour_i.mp3
    Scorpions-Humanity Hour-/02-the_game_of_life.mp3
    Scorpions-Humanity Hour-/03-we_were_born_to_fly.mp3
    Scorpions-Humanity Hour-/04-the_future_never_dies.mp3
    Scorpions-Humanity Hour-/05-youre_lovin_me_to_death.mp3
    Scorpions-Humanity Hour-/06-321.mp3
    Scorpions-Humanity Hour-/07-love_will_keep_us_alive.mp3
    Scorpions-Humanity Hour-/08-we_will_rise_again.mp3
    Scorpions-Humanity Hour-/09-your_last_song.mp3
    Scorpions-Humanity Hour-/10-love_is_war.mp3
    Scorpions-Humanity Hour-/11-the_cross_feat._billy_corgan.mp3
    Scorpions-Humanity Hour-/12-humanity.mp3

    **Zaključano: Kliknite na dugme HVALA koje se nalazi na dnu posta u levom cosku da otključate**

  18. Članovi koji su se zahvalili sokac91 za ovaj post:

    Dj.Vesna (10.11.2016)

  19. #10
    sokac91's Avatar
    Jan 2014
    Thanked: 5618
    Scorpions-Sting In The Tail 320kbp/s

    Scorpions-Sting In The Tail

    Scorpions-Sting In The Tail/01-raised_on_rock.mp3
    Scorpions-Sting In The Tail/02-sting_in_the_tail.mp3
    Scorpions-Sting In The Tail/03-slave_me.mp3
    Scorpions-Sting In The Tail/04-the_good_die_young.mp3
    Scorpions-Sting In The Tail/05-no_limit.mp3
    Scorpions-Sting In The Tail/06-rock_zone.mp3
    Scorpions-Sting In The Tail/07-lorelei.mp3
    Scorpions-Sting In The Tail/08-turn_you_on.mp3
    Scorpions-Sting In The Tail/09-lets_rock.mp3
    Scorpions-Sting In The Tail/10-sly.mp3
    Scorpions-Sting In The Tail/11-spirit_of_rock.mp3
    Scorpions-Sting In The Tail/12-the_best_is_yet_to_come.mp3
    Scorpions-Sting In The Tail/13-dreamers_bonus.mp3
    Scorpions-Sting In The Tail/14-too_far_bonus.mp3
    Scorpions-Sting In The Tail/15-miracle_bonus.mp3
    Scorpions-Sting In The Tail/16-the_good_die_young_bonus.mp3
    Scorpions-Sting In The Tail/17-thunder_and_lightning_bonus.mp3

    **Zaključano: Kliknite na dugme HVALA koje se nalazi na dnu posta u levom cosku da otključate**

  20. Članovi koji su se zahvalili sokac91 za ovaj post:

    Dj.Vesna (10.11.2016)

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